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Optimize Branding, Posts & Updates on Facebook with “Edge Rank Algorithm”

April 8 2013 , Written by Spinx Inc. Published on #Facebook, #Facebook Edge Rank

Edge Rank is the Facebook criteria that choose which updates to display in every customer’s news feed. The criteria hides boring updates, so if your content doesn't count, no one will see it. The first thing users see when they log on to Facebook is the news feed. This is subject to what's been occurring lately among their affiliates on Facebook. Every action their affiliates take is what Facebook calls "Edges." That means when a buddy emails a position upgrade, feedback, labels a picture, joins a fan piece, or RSVP's to a meeting it produces an “edge”, the contents about that show up in the customer's individual news feed. It would be great if the news feed revealed all the likely experiences from your buddies. So Facebook created criteria to predict how fascinating each content can be for each member. Facebook calls these criteria “EdgeRank" because it ranks the edges. After that each member’s news feed shows up only in the resulted displays to friends.

Optimize Branding, Posts & Updates on Facebook with “Edge Rank Algorithm”

It is an algorithm that depends on three parameters:


Affinity refers to the relationship of the person discussing the material with the person who is reading the material. The more you ‘like’ opinion and discuss a page’s information, the more you are to glance upcoming modifications from that person. If you and your affiliates like a similar piece of page information, it’ll take not only your feedback into account, but those of your buddies as well.

Time Decay

Time Decay is the devaluing of a material on a web page from the time it is released. As affiliates and other people modify your material, they are forcing yours off the page. The more affiliates you have or web pages you engage in, the more updates you see. The more updates you look at, the lesser time any one upgrade will stay at or besides the optimum of your page.


Weight is essentially what type of updates are most predicted to be alongside those that like your page. These updates are in the form of:

  • Pictures, video clips & revisions
  • Hyperlinks
  • Simple text revisions

If your fans deal with it, you will be appearing on timelines for an extended period of time.

How to Utilize & Optimize Facebook Edge Rank?

There are certain ways by which an Edge Rank could be utilized & optimized for best performance such as:

  • Value the Content – Since Edge Rank applies to the rate of engagement, the more interesting your content is the more people will look at it and appreciate it.
  • Guidelines should be Followed – Breaking the guidelines has only short-term advantages. The more individuals review your piece, the more Facebook will punish your web page and the outcome will be a quick fall later on, costing you the popularity of your page.
  • A Format should be Posted – Images and podcasting confirm to interact with most customers but a connection to an interesting tale can do the job as well.
  • Maintain the Frequency of Posts – More than 90% of fans does not come back to check out the same Facebook content once appreciated. So post only that much which is required.
  • Maintain the time of Posts – You need to find out when you post produces the most action. With the Analytics PRO tool you can easily monitor the most interesting time of the week to improve your posting strategies established on past outcomes.
  • Communicate with Fans –Every time you respond to a fan not only are you gaining an authentic brand-customer relationship you are also gaining the accolades of his/her affiliates.
  • Analyze from Every Possible Angle - Evaluating, examining and improving your technique, scanning your competitors’, and trying unique methods definitely works. Understand the fact that fans' reaction can change as regularly as the Facebook algorithm criteria.

Edge Rank Impact

It thus goes without saying that for defeating the Facebook Edge Rank modifications and possibilities, your page must be completely heavy with relevant content for getting the best out of the Edge Rank System. Hearing and indulging in a conversation is an important part of this method. It is a false notion that the bigger your viewers are, the more you are ‘winning’ on the social front. Unless the viewers are interested in seeing your content, you are lagging behind the competition.

Getting such a set-up is not fast or easy, but it is likely. There are some sure-fire ways to increase connections and dedication. They include:

Pictures Uploaded– Picture updates contribute to an increase of 39% more interaction.

Sweet & Simple Updates - Facebook updates of 80% or less get connections over 27% greater than the original ones.

Fans can be Approached – Asking your fans to participate by stuffing in an empty position, or caption adding, increase comments 9 times more than the original.

Right Time for Publishing – Publish at the best possible time to make sure your site is at the optimum level of the Newsfeed. Check out the various combinations of schedules and periods to find the best possible combination for your set-up.

Posts can now be Encouraged – If dedicated viewers have to be developed using a free gift system gives way for motivated emails to increase the Edge Rank and ultimately your new viewers will be prepared and ready to join.

Summing Up
Aiming for positioning your web page with a right Edge Rank requires modifications you should be doing just like all good companies and manufacturers. Post motivating and appropriate material so that your audience will be interested in it. Click Here if you want to raise your impact on the various social media sites by designing awesome Facebook Fan Page. Give us your feedback through comments.

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